Falter Fans,
As summer draws to an end, we extend our gratitude to those of you who visited us these past three months while we were participating in the "WanderNebraska" tourism program.
It's always fun sharing John's "Documentary Storyteller" story with you!
This fall and winter we will be open by appointment only. Call Dobey at 402-450-3724 to set up an appointment with one of our wonderful docents (a day's notice would be appreciated) or order various unique gift items. Original Saturday Evening Post covers and magazines, a variety of prints, Christmas note cards, and the "Falls City at Christmas" jigsaw puzzles are available. (prices vary).
Best wishes for the fall season from all of us at the John Philip Falter Museum located in the middle of beautiful, historic downtown Falls City.
Dobey Falter Haws, Curator
2023 summer docents Brenda, Cindy, Denise, Gail, Glenda, Liz
and Jim, our social media manager
John Philip Falter Museum
PO Box 234, Falls City, Nebraska 68355
Facebook: JPFMuseum
Instagram: @johnphilipfaltermuseum
"Before, During & After Picnic" Published September 5, 1959.
“Away they go, whooshing toward someplace where there's lots of green land and a far-arching abundance of sky. All hands are sparkle-eyed with vigor and vim, even mother, although she had to start doing chores at six a.m. to get this show on the road by eight. (Ignore Spoteye, the dog, who is just taking a cat nap). In due time the food is eradicated, the gang's vigor is renewed, the dog takes a dog nap, and mother applies her vim---to doing chores. And by and by in artist John Falter's purple night everybody passes out except you know who, there at the wheel--and for heaven's sake, look who has come to in the back seat! Mother doesn't reflect that a woman's work is never done; what she does think is, They're my babies, including old batter-out here beside me, and I love taking care of them all.” — The Saturday Evening Post, September 5, 1959.